• Proactive support in the development, testing and certification of products!
• Many years of know-how for a troublefree approval procedure!
• Reliable planning by avoiding costly planning and design errors!
• Optimized results: standard-compliant solutions reached more quickly, more easily and at lower costs!
The many different demands placed on workwear are becoming ever more complex. For many companies the subjects of tested quality and certification are not only time-consuming, but also cost-intensive. Specialized know-how in this field is vital. Even then, however, there is no guarantee in many cases that an expensive new development will acquire the necessary certifications quickly and without problems. This is particularly true in the case of so-called “multi-standard products” such as firefighting cloth- ing that need to meet more than one standard.
The growing need for advice in this field has moved the company KNEETEK to expand its portfolio in the field of “services & solutions” to include testing and certification services. Apart from proprietor Mr. Klaus Bachmann, who has sat on standards committees for personal protective equipment in the field of knee protection for many years, we have managed to win Ms. Undine Jacobs as a competent cooperation partner to help us in this field. Ms. Jacobs is an accomplished graduate engineer for clothing technology and has also worked in the field of personal protective equipment for many years. Together they will combine their many years of experience in knee protection and PPE to the benefit of our customers!
Use our extensive know-how, professional advice and pro-active support in the development and certification of your products. We know the ins and outs of requirement profiles, regulations and standards and offer complete solutions for the workwear industry.
Optimize your development processes with our help and avoid expensive planning and design errors from the outset.
Benefit from our know-how, contacts and commitment to a smooth approval procedure. Our services & solutions team will see to the formalities, arrange the necessary tests and thereby shorten the approval procedure substantially. (The average time for a knee-protector test is 3-6 months)
With us you will achieve your aim more quickly and more cheaply! Speak to us!
Auf der Kaiserbitz 3
D-51147 Köln
Phone: +49 (0)2203 / 93566-0
Fax: +49 (0)2203 / 93566-30
E-Mail: info@kneetek.de
Office hours:
Monday to Thursday:
8.00 a.m – 4.30 p.m.
8.00 a.m – 1.30 p.m.
Copyright © Kneetek® GmbH